Patient Classification System International (PCSI) 2016

in Dublin

Unter dem Titel “Towards Activity Based Management: Putting the Patient at the Centre” beginnt am 4. Oktober die 32. PCSI in Dublin.

Wir freuen uns, dass wir in diesem Jahr zwei Vorträge auf der PCSI platzieren konnten.
Am Donnerstag, 06. Oktober referiert Markus Rathmayer über “Reimbursement in Endoscopy: How Can New Procedures Be Implemented?”
Dr. Michael Wilke hält am Freitag, 07. Oktober den Vortrag “Cost effectiveness of PCR-based Electron Spray lonization Mass Spectroscopy (PCR/ESI-MS) in Pneumonia and Sepsis”.

Weiter Informationen zur Veranstaltung finden Sie unter PCSI 2016.


On 4th of October 2016 starts the 32nd annual Patient Classification System International (PCSI) conference in Dublin. The main theme of the conference is “Towards Activity Based Management: Putting the Patient at the Centre.”

We are pleased that we were able to place two lectures on the PCSI this year.
On Thursday, 06th of October Markus Rathmayer presents “Reimbursement in Endoscopy: How Can New Procedures Be Implemented?”
On Friday 07th of October Dr. Michael Wilke holds the lecture "Cost effectiveness of PCR-based Electron Spray lonization Mass Spectroscopy (PCR / ESI - MS) in pneumonia and sepsis ".

For more Details please read here: PCSI 2016.
